If you notice a little blood in the sink after you brush your teeth, this is a dental concern worthy of bringing up at your next appointment. When you experience gingivitis or bleeding gums, this means that your gums are irritated or inflamed. Typically, this inflammation is due to plaque or tartar buildup.
Plaque and tartar come from when sugary food and beverage residues are left to harden on your tooth surfaces. A thorough dental cleaning is usually what needs to occur in order to reduce your gum inflammation. It’s important to know that when plaque advanced into tartar, tartar cannot be removed by at-home brushing and flossing methods. Tartar must be removed by a trained dental professional like your trusted dentist in Westminster, MD, Dr. Bowersox.
Bleeding Gums Treatment Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some common questions we get regarding our bleeding gums treatment.
What is the risk of leaving bleeding gums untreated?
Bleeding gums are the first stage of gum disease. At this stage, the disease is treatable and can usually be eliminated by a thorough dental cleaning. If left untreated, gingivitis will advance into periodontitis, and the gums and bone that support the teeth will become seriously and irreversibly damaged.
Gums infected with periodontitis can cause teeth to become loose or fall out. Our office provides gum disease treatment options like scaling and root planing or laser gum surgery; however, we would much rather catch it in its early stages to help you avoid more invasive treatments.
How can I prevent myself from getting gum disease?
You should brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day, especially if you’ve eaten or drank anything with high amounts of sugar. In fact, if you can follow up any sugary snack with brushing or flossing, that would be even better. The longer the sugary residue sits on your teeth surfaces, the more likely it is to harden into plaque or tartar.
Is it possible to have gum disease and not know it?
This is possible, though there are some warning signs that you can be aware of to look out for. If your gums bleed easily or if you have swollen, tender gums, this is a sign of gum disease.
Additionally, if you notice your gums have started to pull away from your teeth or if your permanent teeth are loose or separating, you should see your dentist as soon as possible. Any changes that you notice with your smile are important to report to Dr. Bowersox so that he can evaluate them and offer treatment options if necessary.
What to avoid when you have bleeding gums?
We recommend reducing your intake of sugary or high carbohydrate food if you have bleeding gums. Patients should also avoid smoking as it damages gum tissue.
What is the fastest way to heal bleeding gums?
The best and fastest way to heal bleeding gums is to increase your oral care routine. Bleeding gums are commonly a sign of poor oral hygiene. Patients may also rinse with a warm saltwater solution, or hydrogen peroxide.
Does salt water help support gum health?
In order to remove the plaque and bacteria from your gums, use a saltwater rinse. Gum disease can produce inflamed, bleeding, or swollen gums. Saltwater relieves and soothes gum tissue. You can not cure bleeding gums with saltwater alone, however it may be useful to treat and promote healing.